Dayton Cars + Coffee

Dayton Cars and Coffee, also known as DCC, is a car show with a growing community of car enthusiasts that are bonded by the passion of anything on wheels. This rebrand had to represent and reflect the passion, connection, and community.

All elements of this project included a new logo, color palette, merchandise, photography styles, event signage, social media planning, content development, and a website redesign. My team and I contributed to the rebrand of DCC, below is a style scape that showcases brand elements, as well as elements of the project assigned to me.



One of my responsibilities on the team was photography. I had to capture the essence of DCC that helped guide the team during the rebrand.

This collection of images showcases community between family, friends and even strangers; as well as diversity in the type of automobiles. Each of these things are the main staples of the DCC event.

DDC CS 2.jpg

Product Mockups

Another responsibility I had on the team were mockups. I shared this responsibility with another team member, helping to find and create the best mockups to showcase the possible branded products.

A wide variety of products were showcased for the DCC rebrand. This is included coffee cups, t-shirts, hats, model cars, mugs, dog bowls and more.


Blockbuster | Brand Revitalization


Homearama | Print Campaign